Small Corporate Member Small Business

Telespazio S.p.A.
Member Since: 1996 
Via Tiburtina, 965
00156 Rome



Chief Executive Officer:
Luigi Pasquali

AFCEA Contact:
Giuseppe Aridon

AFCEA Contact:
Roberto Petronio

Business Focus:
Telespazio, a joint venture between Leonardo/Finmeccanica (67 percent) and Thales (33 percent), is one of the world's leading players in satellite services with activities ranging from the design and development of space systems to the management of launch services and in orbit satellite control; from Earth observation services, integrated communication, satellite navigation and localization to scientific programs. The company, headquartered in Rome, relies on an international network of space centers and teleports and operates worldwide through many subsidiaries.

Ministries of Defense, Agriculture, Environment, Interior; Protezione Civile Italiana, Telecom, Italia, Eutelsat, Inmarsat, Eumetsat, ASI, ESA, EMSA, EUSC, EU, ONU, NATO, CNN, JRC, NGA.

Annual Sales:
372 million euros.

Small Business Status:
Business Categories: