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Small Corporate Member Small Business

Member Since: 2024 
5960 Berkshire Lane
6th Floor
Dallas TX 75225



VP of Marketing:
Ed Airey

Founded and forged during Y2K planning, AveriSource accelerates legacy modernization through application intelligence, business rule extraction, and AI-powered code transformation. AveriSource has developed and optimized the end-to-end modernization journey for hundreds of enterprises?from mainframe to microservices and the cloud. Over 30 years, the AveriSource Platform has analyzed more than two billion lines of code within a unified solution to eliminate the time, risk, and cost constraints of modernization.
Our application modernization solution utilizes the most diverse parser for mainframe and midrange systems. With over 70 legacy tech stacks and counting, the AveriSource Platform enables enterprises to target a wide range of environments, including cloud-native architectures and modern languages.

VP of Sales:
Emmett Hynous

CEO & Managing Partner :
David Gutzman

Business Focus:
Application Analysis and AI-Powered, Mainframe and Mid-Range Modernization

The AveriSource Platform
An end-to-end modernization journey for legacy application analysis, documentation, business rule extraction and code transformation. The AveriSource Platform includes the following packages for legacy application modernization.

AveriSource Scan
Evaluate the legacy codebase, assess risk, and plan for maintaining and modernizing applications quickly and accurately. Assess risk for COBOL, RPG, JCL and Assembler applications and evaluate modernization project scope and complexity for many legacy languages.

AveriSource Inventory
Assess the contents of the legacy estate. Uncover source language insights, ensure environmental completeness, and bolster accurate resource planning and timeline estimation.

AveriSource Discover
Unravel application architecture and data handling. Gain insight and clarity into program relationships, data flow, and data storage utilization to build the detailed modernization plan.

AveriSource Analyze
Examine execution paths in-depth. Extract business rules, assess code quality and analyze program execution to reduce technical debt, optimize your codebase and accelerate application modernization.

AveriSource Transform
Leverage AI to modernize legacy code. Generate application models using AI, then use these models to auto-generate new code in the target language. Take advantage of an Accelerated Rewrite by AveriSource to transform COBOL and RPG applications to Java or C#.

AWS Migration and Modernization services Partner

Business Categories:
  • Software

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