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Why AFCEA? The Access to a Diverse and Influential Network 

Membership provides unique opportunities to engage with an extensive network of government and industry professionals to foster many connections.
Celebrate Small Business Month

BridgePhase joined AFCEA in 2012, recognizing the invaluable benefits membership brings to our small business. AFCEA provides a unique opportunity to engage with an extensive network of government and industry professionals, fostering connections not only in the Washington D.C., area but across the country. By actively participating and volunteering with AFCEA, we have gained access to a diverse and influential network, creating a platform for meaningful interactions with potential clients, partners and collaborators. These engagements not only facilitate the exchange of ideas but open avenues for business expansion and the discovery of upcoming opportunities. 

Moreover, engagement in AFCEA lets us give back to the community by participating in initiatives such as the annual AFCEA DC’s Toys for Tots Drive to collect and donate toys during the holidays. Our sponsorship of events such as Air Force IT Day, Army IT Day and the AFCEA Small Business Enterprise IT Day also supports our local chapter’s Educational Foundation, which provides scholarships for aspiring scientists, engineers, technologists, mathematicians and others studying in STEM fields.  

Through AFCEA, BridgePhase has cultivated long-lasting relationships with businesses of all sizes we stay connected with to share insights, exchange resources and explore new opportunities. We've added micro-businesses to our contract vehicles, providing them with enhanced access to opportunities. Active participation in AFCEA events and networking happy hours has proven instrumental in bringing businesses together and fostering a collaborative atmosphere between our company and others in the industry.  

Additionally, being part of this collaborative ecosystem provides BridgePhase employees with avenues for professional development, offering access to conferences, workshops and training programs that enhance the skills and knowledge of our company's workforce. In essence, BridgePhase’s AFCEA membership not only facilitates business growth but also reinforces our commitment to giving back to our community and the continuous development of our team. 

Matt Stratford is president and managing principal for BridgePhase LLC.