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Why AFCEA? Be Part of a Community that Fosters Growth, Collaboration and Innovation 

Volunteer opportunities are not just career milestones; they come from being part of a community that fosters growth, collaboration and innovation. 
Celebrate Small Business Month

In spring 2023, I decided to become a corporate member of AFCEA International with the goal of expanding my network and business beyond the intelligence niche I had been entrenched in for more than a decade. 

What led me to AFCEA was a recommendation from a trusted colleague. Intrigued, I attended an in-person meeting hosted by the AFCEA Small Business Committee. It was a decision that changed the trajectory of my professional life. 

The generosity displayed by AFCEA members in sharing insights on engagement strategies and the instant knowledge transfer on how to grow were nothing short of transformative. Joining as a corporate member became a clear and unequivocal choice.

Since then, my involvement with AFCEA has deepened. I proudly served as a volunteer for AFCEA's TechNet Cyber conference, joined the AFCEA Small Business Committee, and currently contribute to the Innovation Roundtable subcommittee. These opportunities are not just career milestones—they are the direct result of being part of a community that fosters growth, collaboration and innovation. 

The opportunities within AFCEA are boundless, but what truly sets the association apart the people you meet and the connections you form. AFCEA is more than just an association, it's a network of like-minded individuals committed to mutual success. 

If you seek a platform where your goals can flourish, where knowledge is freely shared and where meaningful connections are forged, AFCEA is the place to be. I wholeheartedly recommend joining this dynamic community and unlocking the countless opportunities it has to offer.

Eboney Warren is president and founder of PRO-VIZION.