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SIGNAL Magazine apps are available for the following devices:

A $1.99 fee applies. Monies received from the download are donated to the AFCEA Educational Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your donation goes directly to scholarships for students and veterans pursuing STEM degrees and to STEM middle and high school teachers working to educate the next workforce generation in these important fields. With your help, we could raise more than $50,000 for this worthwhile cause.   

App access requires a current AFCEA membership or SIGNAL subscriber account number and password.

If you do not remember your membership/subscriber number or password, please contact our Customer Service Center at 703-631-6158 or by email.

If you are not a current member or subscriber, you can sign up today and will immediately receive a member/subscriber number that you can use for the app login. Membership includes a subscription to SIGNAL Magazine.

Advertising opportunities are available on the apps. Please contact your SIGNAL account executive for details.