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Small Corporate Member Small Business

Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
Member Since: 2013 
Holzmarkt 2
50676 Koeln



Account Excecutive:
Azzo Bossen

Industry Advisor:
Pascal van Overloop

Account Excecutive:
Stefan Jonas

Business Focus:
Microsoft Corporation develops, licenses, and supports software, services, and hardware devices.

The Windows division offers Windows operating system; Windows Services suite of applications and Web services, including Outlook.com and SkyDrive; Surface RT and Pro devices; and PC accessories. The company's Server and Tools division provides server software, cloud-based services, and solutions; and training and certification to developers and information technology professionals, as well as builds standalone and software development lifecycle tools for software architects, developers, testers, and project managers. Its products include Windows Server operating systems, Windows Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Intune, Windows Embedded, Visual Studio, System Center products,

Small Business Status:
  • Not Small Business

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