AFCEA International Chapter News

Exploring New Audiovisual Content Platforms

In August, the chapter sponsored a professional development course titled “New Audiovisual Content Platforms,” which took place at the Argentine Army's Escuela Superior Tecnica in Buenos Aires. The event attracted 130 attendees and 32 lecturers. Luis Valle and Claudia Cardama coordinated the course, which included presentations about terrestrial digital TV, digital satellite TV, mobile TV, OTT, IPTV and digital cinema, among others. In addition, seven companies hosted workshops and presentations of their products, and attendees viewed transmission of digital TV. The guest speakers and attendees were members of the government, industry, academia and the armed forces.

Event Photographs:

Luis Valle welcomes attendees to the chapter's professional development course in August on audiovisual content platforms.
Luis Valle welcomes attendees to the chapter's professional development course in August on audiovisual content platforms.
Rear Adm. Emilio Nigoul, ARA (Ret.) (r), chapter president, presents a certificate of recognition to Miguel Pesado, ARSAT manager, who spoke at the chapter's course in August.
Rear Adm. Emilio Nigoul, ARA (Ret.) (r), chapter president, presents a certificate of recognition to Miguel Pesado, ARSAT manager, who spoke at the chapter's course in August.
In August, Adm. Nigoul (l) presents a certificate to an attendee of the chapter's course titled, “New Audiovisual Content Platforms.”
In August, Adm. Nigoul (l) presents a certificate to an attendee of the chapter's course titled, “New Audiovisual Content Platforms.”

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