AFCEA chapters around the world

Greater Monmouth Chapter VISIT WEBSITE
RVP: Frank R. Arlotta

RF Products, Inc.
Treasurer: Douglas J. Basile

Decisive Point Consulting Group
President: Charles J. De Sanno

Booz Allen Hamilton
VP, Programs: Deana Depaz

VP, Membership: Jeffrey H. Downing

Octo Consulting
Secretary: Sharon Fernandes

Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.
VP, Education: Gayle D. Grant

Leader: Rachel Kovach

Leader: Sabrina Lee

Leader: Michael Millett

Past President: Donna V. Petro

VP, Membership: Thomas A. Porskievies

Leader: William Porter

Dept. Of Veterans Affairs Technology Acquisition Center
Second Vice President: Franco Susi

Booz Allen Hamilton

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