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Sustainer Veteran Hiring Program Information

Microsoft Corporation
Member Since: 1996 



Chief Executive Officer:
Satya Nadella

Toni Townes-Whitley:
Vice President Regulated Industries

Greg Myers:
Vice President Federal

Business Focus:
Microsoft helps empower defense and intelligence agencies with its deep commitments to national security, trust, innovation, and compliance. With world-class security and a wide array of cloud services designed for mission success, the Microsoft Cloud offers a cloud platform designed for flexibility and scale to strengthen partnerships and alliances, create smart work environments and installations, and optimize operations to better meet mission needs and help foster a safer, more secure world.

Veteran Hiring:
Whether you're currently preparing to leave the armed forces or have been separated for a few years, Microsoft offers training and employment opportunities to help you turn your military experience and skills into a civilian technology career.
Learn more ...

Small Business Status:
  • Not Small Business
Business Categories:
  • Information Systems
  • Message Systems
  • Collaborative Tools
  • Internet Technologies
  • Intranet Technologies
  • Networking Technologies
  • Software
  • Wireless Communications
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Standards
  • Video Teleconferencing
  • Data Communications
  • Teleconferencing
  • Mobile Communications
  • Cloud Computing

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