Sponsored Content

Please review the information below before submitting content for consideration. These guidelines apply to all sponsored content appearing within AFCEA or SIGNAL Media brands, in print and digital forms, including newsletters and on social media.

What Is Sponsored Content?

For us, sponsored content is paid-for thought leadership content that demonstrates the strength of ideas and how they can be applied in an engaging manner. When successful, the content increases or creates demand for a product or service through building knowledge, trust and credibility.

Thought leadership content is not heavily promotional in concept or language. 

Examples of thought leadership formats include, but are not limited to, blogs, case studies, white papers, articles, how-to information, webinars and educational material.

AFCEA and SIGNAL accept sponsored content based on thought leadership that is engaging, informative and educational. It is not heavily promotional.

The content includes sponsored articles for print, on our websites and blurbs of 50-75 words in our newsletters that link back to content on the sponsor's site.

We also produce and moderate sponsored webinars.  

Review Process

AFCEA or SIGNAL Media will review all content prior to publication, reserving the right to make minor grammar, punctuation and style changes. If we determine that substantial changes are needed, we will contact the sponsor to request revisions or new material.

While sponsored content does not necessarily reflect the views of AFCEA or SIGNAL Media, we will not publish content that, in our opinion, would reflect negatively on the integrity, authority or brand of the association or SIGNAL Media. We reserve the right to reject or remove sponsored content that, in our opinion, is false, misleading, illegal or inconsistent with AFCEA’s mission, core values, business operations or brand.

Legal Considerations

Sponsors are responsible for ensuring that their content is adequately substantiated, accurate and complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The sponsor assumes liability for content it provides and for any claims arising therefrom against AFCEA or SIGNAL Media.

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Check out these available resources:

The SIGNAL Media advertising team can help you develop thought leadership programs and can work with content you already have or help you develop what you need.