AFCEA International Chapter News

In July, Jim Silcott, chapter small business officer, presented Jan Long, a manager at Advanced Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC), with a plaque in recognition of ATIC's new corporate membership. Linda Skinner, chapter membership officer, presented a lifetime membership commemorative coin to Lorna Estep, chair of the chapter's board of directors. Skinner also presented a member recruitment and retention commemorative coin to Norman Nelson, chapter executive vice president, for his ongoing efforts. The chapter attended a minor league baseball game, the Dayton Dragons Hometown Heroes Game. During the game, active-duty military who are returning to the Dayton, Ohio, area are recognized. David Hart, chapter officer, orchestrated the ticket sponsorship for the event.

Event Photographs:

In July, Jim Silcott, chapter small business officer, presents a plaque to Jan Long, a manager at Advanced Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC), in recognition of ATIC's new corporate membership.
In July, Jim Silcott, chapter small business officer, presents a plaque to Jan Long, a manager at Advanced Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC), in recognition of ATIC's new corporate membership.
In July, Linda Skinner, chapter membership officer, presents a commemorative coin to Norman Nelson, chapter executive vice president, in appreciation for his ongoing membership recruitment and retention efforts.
In July, Linda Skinner, chapter membership officer, presents a commemorative coin to Norman Nelson, chapter executive vice president, in appreciation for his ongoing membership recruitment and retention efforts.
Skinner (r) presents a lifetime membership plaque to Lorna Estep, chair of the chapter's board of directors, in July.
Skinner (r) presents a lifetime membership plaque to Lorna Estep, chair of the chapter's board of directors, in July.

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