AFCEA International Chapter News

The Joint CIS Group (JCG) is an interservice organization for the technical management, the first level maintenance and user instruction of the operational CIS systems of the Netherlands Armed Forces (including the Coast Guard).

Col. Loek Smits, RNLAF A.F.M., commander of the JCG, explained the tasks of the JCG and showed photographs of locations and deployed CIS systems. He also mentioned new projects (e.g., secure GSM) and explained the organizational structure and its relation to the Command & Control Support Centre (C2SC).

The JCG has a technical operations room in Stroe, The Netherlands. They support the C2 support teams in the theatre on a 24/7 basis. In case of problems that cannot be resolved immediately, the JCG will ask the Defense Telematics Organization (DTO), the C2SC or industry for assistance.

A future new role is the support of military CIS systems in use in the public sector, like the Integrated Staff Information System.

Event Photographs:

Chapter President Commander Willem Voogt, RNLN (l), hands a certificate of appreciation to Colonel Loek Smits, RNLAF, commander of the JCG, for his presentation on the Joint CIS Group.
Chapter President Commander Willem Voogt, RNLN (l), hands a certificate of appreciation to Colonel Loek Smits, RNLAF, commander of the JCG, for his presentation on the Joint CIS Group.

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