AFCEA International Chapter News

Mr. Kees Möhring, member of the board of the NFI, explained the tasks of the Institute. The NFI is an autonomous part of the Ministry of Justice and member of ENFSI (the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes).

The NFI has thee core duties: to perform forensic investigation in criminal cases; to conduct research and development; and to function as a center of knowledge and expertise.

Mr. Steven Chang gave a presentation on gunshot residue investigation. Depending on the shooting distance, gunshot residue coming from the barrel of the firearm can end up on the clothing and or body of persons or on objects that are shot at.

Mr. Erwin van Eijk, an expert on digital forensics, gave a lecture on how tracks can be recovered from embedded systems like PDA's (Personal Digital Assistant), mobile phones, chip cards, magnetic cards and other types of mobile electronics.

The meeting gave an insight in the scientific aspects of criminal investigation in daily practice and was highly appreciated by the AFCEA members.

Event Photographs:

Chapter President Commander  Willem Voogt, RNLN (r), hands a certificate of appreciation to Mr.Kees Möhring, board member of the Netherlands Forensic Institute, for his presentation.
Chapter President Commander Willem Voogt, RNLN (r), hands a certificate of appreciation to Mr.Kees Möhring, board member of the Netherlands Forensic Institute, for his presentation.

Commander Voogt (r) hands a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Erwin van Eijk for his briefing on digital forensics.
Commander Voogt (r) hands a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Erwin van Eijk for his briefing on digital forensics.

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