AFCEA International Chapter News

Scholarship Award Program Assists Deserving Cadets

Scott Fausch of the chapter's Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) program announced scholarship recipients in April. The AFROTC Scholarship Award Program assists deserving cadets in the completion of their education in communications/computer science, electrical engineering, computer technology, intelligence systems or information systems. This award is separate and distinct from the AFCEA scholarship awards and the AFCEA award for distinguished performance. This year, the chapter awarded three $750 scholarships. Since the program's inception in 2005, the chapter has given out more than $25,000 in AFROTC scholarships. Cadets Grant E. Champoux, Melissa L. Shaffer and Zachary S. Munoz were selected for the scholarships. Cadet Champoux attends Wright State University and majors in electrical engineering, maintaining a 3.95 GPA. He has been on the dean's list for six consecutive semesters and recently achieved a physical fitness score of 98.4 out of a possible 100. Cadet Champoux also leverages his nearly 10 years of active-duty Air Force experience as a mentor and liaison to cadets who are new to the Air Force and ROTC. After graduation and commissioning as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, Cadet Champoux plans to pursue a career in cyberspace operations. Cadet Shaffer attends the University of Dayton and majors in computer science. Recognized for her academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership ability, Cadet Shaffer is ranked solidly in the top 5 percent of the cadet corps. After graduation and commissioning as a second lieutenant in the Air Force, Cadet Shaffer plans to pursue a career in cyberspace operations. Cadet Munoz attends Wright State University and majors in computer engineering. Along with maintaining a top GPA and physical fitness scores, Cadet Munoz has held several cadet leadership positions, including his current role as a cadet material management flight commander responsible for 118 cadets across three universities. After graduation and commissioning as a second lieutenant in the Air Force, Cadet Munoz plans to pursue a career in cyberspace operations and eventually leverage computer forensics strengths with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations.

Event Photographs:

Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) Cadets Grant E. Champoux and Melissa L. Shaffer receive their scholarship awards in April. Cadet Champoux has supported chapter luncheons as part of the color guard teams. Cadet Shaffer also finds time to give back by speaking to and serving as a role model for up-and-coming science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students and supporting AFROTC recruiting events.
Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) Cadets Grant E. Champoux and Melissa L. Shaffer receive their scholarship awards in April. Cadet Champoux has supported chapter luncheons as part of the color guard teams. Cadet Shaffer also finds time to give back by speaking to and serving as a role model for up-and-coming science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students and supporting AFROTC recruiting events.

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