In February The Hague organized a meeting on mission simulation at the Defense Security and Safety division of the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO DSS) in Soesterberg, Netherlands. Gilbert Overmaat, TNO DSS marketing and sales manager, explained the organization's contributions to comprehensive security. TNO DSS, a strategic partner of the Dutch Ministry of Defence, covers a range of activities including military operations and equipment; command, control and operational decision-making; threat protection; and instruction and training. Johan Peekstok, TNO DSS project leader for Network Enabled Capabilities, discussed his program and the TNO Advanced Concept Development and Experimentation Environment simulation. He also covered the Joint Command Operational Picture and cooperation with the Dutch Command and Control Centre of Excellence and the NATO Command, Control and Consultation Agency. Finally, Dr. Bernd de Graaf, senior program manager at the Mission Simulation Centre (MSC), demonstrated both national and MSC efforts in simulation and research capabilities and methodology and mission efficiency. |
Event Photographs: |
Cmdr. Willem Voogt, RNLN (l), presents a certificate of apprecation to guest speaker Gilbert Overmaat for his February speech on the Defense Security and Safety division of the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO DSS). |
Johan Peekstok (r) receives a certificate of appreciation from Voogt for his discussion on the TNO Advanced Concept Development and Experimentation Environment simulation and joint command cooperation in February. |