AFCEA International Chapter News

DCWC Hosts Defense Cyber Symposium

The chapter and the Dutch CyberWarfare Community (DCWC) worked together to organize this Cybersecurity Symposium in the Barracks of the GenM Kootkazerne in Stroe, the seat of the Dutch Army SignalCorps (C2OstCo, Regiment Verbindingstroepen). With over 200 visitors from government, military and civilian organizations, the symposium was well attended. In the afternoon the 'red line' was "Where is it coming from?" Kol Mietta Groeneveld, chapter president, acted as chair woman and announced the speakers and evaluated the presentations from Peter Rietveld, Marcel vd Velde and Ramses Sloeserwij. In the evening, the "red line" was, "What do we do against it?' and 'What more can we do?' Speakers in the evening: LKol Henk Sonius, head of the Airforce CyberWarfare Team; Col. Kees Verdonk, head of the Defense Cyber Security Centre; and Lec. Barry Derksen, CISO at ICS. From the Dutch Parlement, André Bosman gave a speech about the importance of stimulation by the government and cooperation and sharing information between civilian organizations and the government.

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Event Photographs:

Army Col. Mietta Groeneveld, chapter president, speaks to a well-attended symposium in March.
Army Col. Mietta Groeneveld, chapter president, speaks to a well-attended symposium in March.
Visitors to the DCWC Cyber Symposium enjoy presentations and discussions during the March event.
Visitors to the DCWC Cyber Symposium enjoy presentations and discussions during the March event.
Lt. Col. Henk Sonius, NLAF, and Col. Groeneveld address the audience at the March event.
Lt. Col. Henk Sonius, NLAF, and Col. Groeneveld address the audience at the March event.

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