AFCEA International Chapter News

Chapter Awards Three STEM Scholarships

In June, following the graduation of Kaiserslautern High School's class of 2020 seniors, the chapter was honored to present three graduates with individual scholarships as they take flight in pursuit of STEM degrees. The competition was fierce amongst the more than 20 applicants, but the chapter's three winners stood out across the board in categories that included academic achievement, community involvement, STEM aspirations and educational awards received. Each individual received a $5,000 scholarship that will assist with tuition associated with their school of choice, materials and supplies.

Event Photographs:

In June, the Kaiserslautern High School winners receive their scholarship and pause for a photo. (From l-r) Cassandra Ross, majoring in pre-medical biology at Nova Southeastern University, Broward County, Florida; Kabryni Bruening, majoring in pre-physical therapy at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan; and Emma Moak, majoring in physics at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.
In June, the Kaiserslautern High School winners receive their scholarship and pause for a photo. (From l-r) Cassandra Ross, majoring in pre-medical biology at Nova Southeastern University, Broward County, Florida; Kabryni Bruening, majoring in pre-physical therapy at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan; and Emma Moak, majoring in physics at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.

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