AFCEA International Chapter News

Chapter Hosts Webinar on AI Applications for Military

In March, the chapter organized a webinar titled "Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applied in the Military Field: Perspectives and Possible Use Cases," with the support of Esri Italia that provided the facilities for the streaming transmission.

The event provided an overview of AI, with a special focus on its applications in the defense sector. Lt. Gen. Antonio Tangorra, ITAF (Ret.), chapter president, introduced the webinar underlining the difficult situation created by COVID, making it impossible to organize in-person events. He stated his strong intention to resume meeting in person as soon as possible. Marco Braccioli, the moderator of the webinar, emphasized the increasing interest in new technology and its many applications in defense, developed at institutional and industrial levels.

The first speech titled "Artificial Intelligences" was given by Domenico Natale, UNINFO, and provided an overview of the existing application in many sectors, defining its concepts, terms and theoretical principles.

Alessandro Capucci, ASC27, then presented "Cognitive AI. Emulation, Recognition and Empathy. Threats and Opportunities for Defenders and Attackers." He gave examples of how AI can replace humans and show a different reality.

Stefano Bellucci, RAIT 88, gave a speech titled "AI in Autonomous Learning and Integration with C2 Systems," a concept that will guarantee new functions and cost reduction, thanks to the applications of AI algorithms to integrate data from different sources.

Alessandro Marchini, Eurelettronica ICAS, followed with his speech "Mobile GRF Runway Inspector." This presentation outlined a solution developed by Vaisala Mobile GRF/Talpa Reporter, which can elaborate the conditions of airport runways compliant with International Civil Aviation Organization standards.

Col. Giacomo Ghiglierio, ITAF, Italian Air Force Logistic Command, spoke on "Digital Innovation Hangar - The Italian Air Force Approach to Innovative Technologies.' He presented the Italian Air Force's point of view on the development of new skills.

Antonio Cerqua, AlmavivA, illustrated an interesting case study, "AI Applied to Predictive Maintenance in Transportation and Mobility for Turbofan Airplane Engines.'

The last speech, "Deep Learning and Big Data Analytics in Geospatial Applications: the Esri Italia Experience," was given by Giorgio Forti, Esri Italia. Forti focused on the concept of GeoAI to manage geospatial data with applications related to geolocated events and data science.

Gen. Tangorra closed the webinar thanking all panelists and the numerous participants, envisaging the possibility to organize new events on this theme since so many showed interest.

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