AFCEA International Chapter News

Chapter Hosts Webinar on War Strategy in Residential Areas

In June, participants enjoyed the talk on "War Strategies in Residential Areas" presented by Suat Begec, associate professor, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association. In the webinar, specific characteristics of the "Residential Area Operation Environment" were explained. This operation has gained importance where future wars could take place and also addresses various military needs and strategies.

The presenter, who was a commanding officer in the past, shared his experiences gained from peacekeeping missions abroad and made statements about the needs of the soldiers who will serve in the future wars.

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Suat Begec, associate professor, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, addresses the participants in the webinar on
Suat Begec, associate professor, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, addresses the participants in the webinar on "War Strategy in Residential Areas" in June.

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