AFCEA International Chapter News

Guest Speaker Outlines CISA's Primary Mission

In May, Ethan Cole, deputy regional director, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Region 7, Kansas City, Missouri, spent time with the chapter discussing the CISA role. Cole pointed out that CISA was formed in 2018 with an overall mission to lead the national effort to understand, manage and reduce risk to the nation's cyber and physical infrastructure. He clarified that CISA areas of responsibility mirror the Federal Emergency Management Agency's eight-region breakout. Cole covered CISA's core capabilities relating to critical infrastructure and talked about their four primary mission lines and how CISA is carrying out these missions. Cole talked about how they work out of integrated operations divisions and try to provide information and resources ahead of the curve before it is requested. With limited resources, focus remains on assessing to maximize current assets to stay effective. Cole concluded by emphasizing that CISA works collaboratively to make things more efficient/more effective behind the scenes.

Event Photographs:

In May, Ethan Cole, deputy regional director, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Region 7, Kansas City, Missouri (l), Janel Nelson, chapter president, and Warren Hagelstien, cybersecurity advisor, Region 7, Omaha, Nebraska (r), pose for a photo. Cole was the speaker for the May luncheon and received a Greater Omaha Chapter coin for addressing the chapter.
In May, Ethan Cole, deputy regional director, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Region 7, Kansas City, Missouri (l), Janel Nelson, chapter president, and Warren Hagelstien, cybersecurity advisor, Region 7, Omaha, Nebraska (r), pose for a photo. Cole was the speaker for the May luncheon and received a Greater Omaha Chapter coin for addressing the chapter.

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