AFCEA International Chapter News

Webinar Focuses on New Technologies in Shipbuilding and Applications

The chapter would like to express its gratitude to Oguz Tanır on behalf of all participants, as well as the Turkish Defense Industry News Group, for his presentation of the webinar on "New Technologies and Applications in Shipbuilding." The webinar discussed how today's technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality and digital twin, have become effective and even mandatory in the shipbuilding industry, as in all industrial applications. In addition to developing technologies, energy, efficiency, automation and cybersecurity issues, demanding shipbuilding requirements, fuel types to be used in the future, carbon dioxide emission targets set by IMO and restrictions that may be imposed on ports in particular may come to the fore in a radical way. And these will force changes in the shipbuilding methods of the future. So, fleets that do not comply with these restrictions will face difficulty in maritime transportation.

Event Photographs:

Oguz Tanir presents information to the chapter during the March event.
Oguz Tanir presents information to the chapter during the March event.
Chapter president Capt. Kamil Zafer Selcuk, TUN (Ret.), introduces Tanir, the presenter for the March webinar.
Chapter president Capt. Kamil Zafer Selcuk, TUN (Ret.), introduces Tanir, the presenter for the March webinar.
Participants listen to the presenter at the March webinar.
Participants listen to the presenter at the March webinar.

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