Software-Defined Radio Receives Recognition |
The chapter held its September meeting at the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research-Information and Communications Technology (TNO-ICT) in Delft, the Netherlands. With a focus on software-defined radio (SDR), guest speaker Marc van den Homberg, manager, defense market, TNO-ICT, discussed the activities of TNO and TNO-ICT in particular. In addition, Bram van den Ende, senior project manager, TNO-ICT, presented the history of signal processing and stated the main objectives of SDR. He also explained the relation to the U.S. Joint Tactical Relay System and similar European initiatives. Lt. Col. Theo Sierksma, Netherlands Army, Command and Control Support Centre, Netherlands Ministry of Defense (MOD), explained the requirements of the MOD with respect to land operations. SDR is regarded as a solution for interoperability problems that land forces are coping with in a joint and dynamic network structure. |
Event Photographs: |
Jaap van der Lelie (r), chapter secretary, presents a certificate of appreciation to September guest speaker Marc van den Homberg, manager, defense market, the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research-Information and Communications Technology (TNO-ICT), for his presentation. |
Bram van den Ende (l), senior project manager, TNO-ICT, receives a token of appreciation from van der Lelie for his presentation in September on software-defined radio. |
Lt. Col. Theo Sierksma, Netherlands Army (l), Command and Control Support Centre, Netherlands Ministry of Defense, receives a certificate of appreciation from van der Lelie in September. |