Issue Date | Article Deadline | Meeting Dates |
September | July 20 | May 20 |
October | August 20 | June 20 |
November | September 20 | July 20 |
December | October 20 | August 20 |
January | November 20 | September 20 |
February | December 20 | October 20 |
March | January 20 | November 20 |
April | February 20 | December 20 |
May | March 20 | January 20 |
June | April 20 | February 20 |
July | May 20 | March 20 |
August | June 20 | April 20 |
The Issue Date refers to the issue in which Chapter News submissions will appear.
The Article Deadline is the closing date for all writeups, photographs and Chapter advertising to be submitted to SIGNAL Magazine. The deadline is the 20th of the month two months prior to publication. If the 20th falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline becomes the next business day.
The Meeting Date is the earliest date for which a chapter event will receive coverage in a specific issue. Chapter events occurring before the Meeting Date deadline will not be accepted.
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