AFCEA International Chapter News
TURKIYE CHAPTER - 06/12/2024
Osman Samim Kalaycioglu presents during the June webinar. The chapter organized a webinar on "CBRN [chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear] Surveillance Systems" presented by Osman Samim Kalaycıoğlu in June. Participants understood that factors such as today's large number of nuclear power reactor wastes, the use of radiological substances in clinical medical practices and the easy buying and selling of toxic substances increase the CBRN threats in civilian environments. In the webinar, attendees learned about modern CBRN observation systems used especially on surface ships and their multiple usage areas, as well as the features and details of advanced models used in the detection of toxic industrial agents.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 05/08/2024
Mehmet Eryilmaz, MD, professor of surgery, Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi, presents during the webinar. In the chapter's May webinar, "Disaster and War Surgery," Mehmet Eryilmaz, MD, professor of surgery, Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi, presented information about the nature and purpose of disaster and war surgery, current developments in the subject and the needs of the military health systems.

Webinar participants also learned the importance of correctly intervening in injuries resulting from trauma in military and civilian life and the features and details of early life-saving interventions in trauma situations and injuries. In addition, information was presented about control surgeries performed by front-line surgical teams and developments in medical evacuation systems.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 04/29/2024
In April, Chapter President Kamil Zafer Selcuk presents a memory plaquette of his visit to BITES General Manager Cemil Sagiroglu. In April, chapter officers visited Cemil Sagiroglu, general manager, BITES, in his office. While there, officers introduced AFCEA International as an association and explained the activities and benefits provided to corporate members.

BITES is a technology-based innovative brand located in Ankara, Turkiye. The company offers a wide range of products, including next-generation computer-based training systems and synthetic environments, 3D virtual maintenance trainers, low-cost synthetic training aids and hardware components, advanced training management information systems, mission-planning, after action review-debriefing software solutions and a serious game engine-driven image generator for all kinds of virtual training applications.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 04/17/2024
Kurt Worden (l) and Suleyman Bayramoglu present during the April webinar. Weaknesses in power parameters such as frequency, interruptions, variations, imbalances, flicker, dips and swells, harmonics and power factor cause premature failure of electronic devices or reduced performance of the equipment. These causes cannot be allowed to be effective, especially in vital systems.

Reliable power protection for mission-critical systems requires high-quality power products, customizable, durable power solutions designed according to customer-specified requirements, especially suitable for shipboard, tactical military, industrial and other harsh operating environments, ensuring continuity of operations when failure is not an option.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 03/21/2024
Oguz Tanir presents information to the chapter during the March event. The chapter would like to express its gratitude to Oguz Tanır on behalf of all participants, as well as the Turkish Defense Industry News Group, for his presentation of the webinar on "New Technologies and Applications in Shipbuilding." The webinar discussed how today's technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality and digital twin, have become effective and even mandatory in the shipbuilding industry, as in all industrial applications. In addition to developing technologies, energy, efficiency, automation and cybersecurity issues, demanding shipbuilding requirements, fuel types to be used in the future, carbon dioxide emission targets set by IMO and restrictions that may be imposed on ports in particular may come to the fore in a radical way. And these will force changes in the shipbuilding methods of the future. So, fleets that do not comply with these restrictions will face difficulty in maritime transportation.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 02/21/2024
Omur Hanyalı presents during the February webinar. In the webinar "Overview of Submarine Combat Management Systems" presented by Omur Hanyali, the operations of submarines, the masters of the depths, the sound of depth and the compilation of a recognized tactical picture by submarines were evaluated.

In the webinar, chapter members learned about the need for an integrated structure, especially where acoustic sensors are intertwined with the combat management system, and how it was achieved to meet the needs of submarine systems that differ from surface combatant platforms. Attendees learned the place and functions of these systems, which include the capabilities provided by developing technology, with the network-enabled capabilities in the operational environment.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 02/01/2024
In February, M. Tuncay Gencoglu, associate professor, Firat University, presents during the chapter's webinar. In February, the webinar titled "Quantum Technologies and Intelligence" presented by M. Tuncay Gencoglu, associate professor, Firat University, significantly impacted participants' perspectives on the developments in quantum technologies and the effects of these technologies, especially on the field of intelligence.

The rise of quantum technologies also creates an art of storytelling. Starting with the mysterious world of subatomic particles and extending into the depths of global cyber networks, this story will not only increase the information processing capacity of each qubit but will also reweave the fabric of cybersecurity and intelligence.

Webinar attendees received answers to questions such as how quantum transformation will shape the future of the cyber world and how intelligence collection and analysis methods will evolve with these new technologies that are hidden in the depths of quantum.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 01/24/2024
(l-r) Capt. Zafer Betoner, TUN (Ret.), chapter vice president; Serdar Muldur, vice rector, OSTIM Technical University (OTU), and Capt. Kamil Zafer Selcuk, TUN (Ret.), chapter president, pose for a photo at OTU in January. In January, chapter officers visited Serdar Muldur, the vice rector of OSTIM Technical University, and explained the opportunities of AFCEA International for university students. OSTIM Technical University (OTU) is located in Ankara at the heart of the industry and business world, including the defense industry with its multicultural structure. OTU combines theory and practice by placing talent and competence at the center of the education and training system, provides added value to society with interdisciplinary scientific approaches and develops creative solution proposals in cooperation with all stakeholders with an open university approach. OTU is a thematic, entrepreneurial and innovative university of international standards.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 01/14/2024
The chapter's fiscal year 2024 regular general assembly participants gather for a photo in January. The chapter's 2024 fiscal year general assembly was held in January. At the meeting, the FY 2023 activity report and the audit board report were discussed and approved by the participants.

Additionally, the 2024 budget and activity plan were approved. The election of the next term chapter officers and auditing boards also took place at the meeting.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 01/04/2024
In January, (l-r) Erdinc Oguz, chapter treasurer; B. Azra Timur, Artron program director; Capt. Kamil Zafer Selcuk, TUN (Ret.), chapter president; Capt. A. Zafer Betoner, TUN (Ret.), chapter vice president; and Mehmet Duzok, Artron system engineering director, gather for a photo during the chapter's visit to the defense company. Chapter officers visited the company managers of Artron, located in Hacettepe Teknokent, Ankara, and exchanged information.

Artron was established in 2011. As a leading defense sector stakeholder, they provide avionics subsystems to the aviation industry. The company also has extensive knowledge and broad expertise in the development of electronic hardware and embedded software for aerospace and automotive applications. Currently, it produces dozens of different products, all of which are verified and approved according to customer needs and standards.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 12/20/2023
Pictured (l-r) are Erdinc Oguz, chapter treasurer; Capt. Zafer Betoner, TUN (Ret.), chapter vice president; Burak Isiktan, general manager of EHSIM; and Capt. Kamil Zafer Selcuk, TUN (Ret.), chapter president, during a visit to Isaktan's workplace in December. Chapter officers visited chapter member Burak Isiktan in his office. Isiktan was appointed as the general manager of EHSIM Elektronik Harp Sistemleri Muhendislik Ticaret A.S. company. EHSIM was established with the participation of the Defense Industry Technologies Inc., SSTEK, a subsidiary of the Presidency of Defense Industries, ASELSAN and HAVELSAN companies of the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation.

EHSIM carries out research and development activities in radio frequency (RF), radar and microwave technologies and designs digital and analog systems. EHSIM also works on software development and system engineering, testing and integration and integrated logistics support fields for electronic warfare systems.

One of their many products in the electronic warfare field of activity, Countermeasure Release System (CRS), provides protection against RF- and infrared-guided missiles in a multi-threat environment. CRS also enables the integrated use of chaff, flare and other sma ... READ MORE

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 11/29/2023
Members pause for a photo of all attending the 34th anniversary celebration in November. In November, the chapter celebrated its 34th anniversary by hosting a dinner with its members.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 11/02/2023
Capt. Zafer Betoner, TUN (Ret.), presents the opening speech of the November seminar. Defense sector stakeholders came together at the 11th Naval Systems Seminar held in Ankara, Turkiye, in November 2023. More than 600 participants from the defense industry and sector stakeholders, especially the Turkish Naval Forces and Coast Guard Command, watched 40+ presentations for two days in this year's seminar, which was first held in 2008.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 05/17/2023
Rear Adm. Cem Okyay, TUN, presents the Impact of New and Game-changing Technologies on Military Strategy during the May webinar. In May, the chapter held a webinar on "The Effects of New and Game-changing Technologies on Military Strategy." New age developments have deeply penetrated and shaped lives with many extraordinary phenomena such as the internet, smart phone, digital money, digital state, social media and metaverse. Where digitalization and emerging technologies have long affected social and economic life, this has led to the development of military thought and has made important contributions to this point of view. It also affects the forms of performance and forces revolutionary changes. The webinar, in which the topic and the approaches of the important actors in the world were clearly conveyed, the participants shared their experiences and knowledge, along with new perspectives and information.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 04/13/2023
Brig. Gen. Cemal Alagoz (Ret.) presents at the April webinar. The chapter organized a webinar in April titled "Pedestal Mounted Stinger Project, Achievements and Lessons Learned." The chapter enjoyed the presentation of Brig. Gen. Cemal Alagoz (Ret.) and learned that the project was a milestone in the development of the Turkish defense industry and its support for the establishment of important infrastructure despite the technological inadequacies of the time. The chapter is grateful to him for this spectacular webinar and contribution to the breakthrough of the Turkish defense industry and would like to express its endless gratitude on behalf of all the participants, the Turkish Defense Industry News Group and the chapter for the support provided to this chain of webinars. The chapter hopes to continue these with the idea that knowledge increases when shared.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 03/30/2023
Lt. Gen. Nazım Altintas, Turkish Army (Ret.), presents at the March webinar. The chapter enjoyed the March talk on "Military Planning, Management Approach and Fighting Against Earthquakes." The webinar made significant contributions to members' perspectives on the application of planning, management, training and logistics methods applied in military activities to defense measure studies against disasters related to the survival of the country.

The chapter is grateful to Lt. Gen. Nazım Altintas, Turkish Army (Ret.), and would like to express endless gratitude on behalf of all the participants and the Turkish Defense Industry News Group for the support provided to this chain of conversations. Chapter members believe and wish to continue the idea that knowledge increases when shared.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 03/09/2023
In March, Chapter President Kamil Zafer Selcuk presents Meteksan Defense Inc.'s Deputy General Manager Erdal Torun with a token of his visit. Chapter board members visited the office of Erdal Torun, deputy general manager of Meteksan Defense Industry Inc., one of the leading actors of the Turkish defense industry. During the visit, members discussed Meteksan Defense's contributions to the defense industry of Turkiye and expressed their opinions about the communication and information-sharing opportunities provided by the international platforms of nongovernmental organizations. They also discussed the necessity of exports for the sustainability of developing defense industry and the importance of international relations and promotions for this purpose.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 01/15/2023
In January, chapter members attend the Annual General Assembly Meeting. In January, the chapter held their Annual General Assembly Meeting at the corporate member ASELSAN AS facilities. Chapter officers summarized last year's activities, and budgetary and activity decisions were made for next year. New chapter officers and audit board members also were selected.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 12/23/2022
Chapter officers pose for a photo with Mustafa Yaman, deputy general manager of ASELSAN AS, in December. Chapter officers visited the office of Mustafa Yaman, deputy general manager of the Communications and Information Technologies Sector of ASELSAN AS. During the meeting, attendees evaluated contributions of AFCEA to corporate members, especially in terms of being a gateway to the international platform. In addition, ASELSAN AS, which is the chapter's most important corporate member, has also been the locomotive of the Turkish defense industry in electronic and defense systems. Finally, participants discussed what can be done to promote the company on international platforms.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 11/29/2022
Members celebrate the chapter's 33rd anniversary at a cocktail party in November. The chapter celebrated its 33rd anniversary in November by holding a cocktail party at the facilities of corporate member TARGET AS. Attendees discussed ideas for the future of the chapter and more effective opportunities for stakeholders. The chapter looks forward to many more successful years.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 11/24/2022
Chapter President Kamil Zafer Selcuk promotes AFCEA at the November seminar. In November, the chapter participated as a supporter in the fifth Land Systems Seminar. The representatives of the Defense Industry Presidency, the General Staff, the Land Forces Command and the Gendarmerie General Command attended along with members of the academic and defense industry. AFCEA was promoted, and information about AFCEA was shared by establishing relations with the stakeholders participating in the seminar.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 04/06/2022
Brig.Gen. Cemal Alagoz (Ret.) addresses the participants of the April webinar The chapter held a webinar on The Importance of Consortia in the Defense Industry. Due to the feasibility of high-cost and high-tech projects and the lifetime logistics costs, the needs and technological competencies of friendly and allied countries are united by establishing a consortium. In this way, not only will the projects be accomplished, but the industries of these countries will get to know each others capabilities more closely, providing a chance to act together in the future. Participants in the webinar examined this method, which is widely applied (especially in NATO-member countries). They also discussed how this method enables countries to have state-of-the-art systems and gain capabilities for their own countries in the future.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 03/16/2022
Kamil Bayar, VIA Management Consulting, presents design-focused thinking to the participants in the March webinar. In March, participants enjoyed the webinar on "Design-Oriented Thinking and Management.' The webinar presented the general approach, concept and managerial practices of design thinking, which is one of the important methods of developing differentiation strategies, especially in today's business world, where fierce competition has constantly increased in recent years. Today's companies are evaluated from a wide perspective, both from employers and employees, from a strategic and managerial point of view, in the professional corporate business life of design-oriented thinking. The webinar analyzed the advantages design-oriented thinking provides in areas such as retail management, planning, development of sales, marketing and brand strategies, and management of institutionalization projects.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 02/16/2022
Brig.General Cemal Alagoz (Ret.) addresses the participants during the February webinar. In February, the chapter hosted a webinar on "Configuration-Based Logistics Support." Webinar participants and presenters established that unless the logistic support of multi-unit systems, the production of which takes many years, is based on configuration, the spare parts that keep the system afloat cannot be used effectively either physically or functionally and will remain idle in warehouses. The presenters emphasized that to avoid such a negative situation, in line with the feedback from the manufacturer and the user, the engineering changes that have been proposed before production, during production and even during use should be closely followed. These changes should be recorded and audited. For this purpose, the Configuration Management Plan should be specified in the annex of the production contracts and carefully implemented.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 01/16/2022
After the January meeting, chapter officers and members pose for a photo. The chapter held its annual assembly meeting at the facilities of prime corporate member ASELSAN AS. At the meeting, the activity and financial reports of the previous year were discussed. Chapter officers for the Steering and Audit committees were selected for the new year. In addition, the budget and activity plan proposals for the 2022 fiscal year were discussed and decided by members.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 12/02/2021
Col. Selcuk Cirak, Turkish army (Ret.), addresses participants in the webinar about The chapter held a webinar on "Drone Threat and RF Measures" in December. Significant contributions have been made to the perspective on unmanned aerial vehicles and countermeasures, where the advantages of technological developments have become an important threat especially in asymmetric warfare.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 10/07/2021
Capt. Kamil Zafer Selcuk, TUN (Ret.), chapter president (r), and Capt. Zafer Betoner, TUN (Ret.), chapter vice president, present a memento of their visit to SDT Inc. and Ömer Korkut, general manager (c). In October, chapter officers visited SDT Space & Defence Technologies Inc. The local defense company SDT Inc. has been developing indigenous software, hardware and integrated solutions for defense, space and aviation areas since 2005.

SDT Inc. possesses special expertise in radar-electronic warfare signal processing, image processing/pattern recognition, embedded software systems, avionic systems, land system electronic units, radio frequency jammer systems, satellite technologies and simulation and training systems.

During the visit, officers introduced AFCEA International and explained the opportunities provided to corporate members.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 06/26/2021
In June, the chapter hosted the webinar, "Can We See the Mathematics Behind Aircraft Design?" This was the second webinar of the month presented by Maj. Musa Yildirim (Ret.). The webinar was user-friendly and not bogged down in concepts and technical terms. Attendees learned the mathematics behind aircraft design and discovered the pervasive nature of mathematics.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 06/12/2021
In June, participants enjoyed the talk on "War Strategies in Residential Areas" presented by Suat Begec, associate professor, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association. In the webinar, specific characteristics of the "Residential Area Operation Environment" were explained. This operation has gained importance where future wars could take place and also addresses various military needs and strategies.

The presenter, who was a commanding officer in the past, shared his experiences gained from peacekeeping missions abroad and made statements about the needs of the soldiers who will serve in the future wars.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 05/29/2021
In May, the chapter organized a webinar on "Space Technologies and Homeland Security." At the beginning of the webinar, a brief introduction about space technologies was given by Alim Rustem Aslan, professor and head of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerospace Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University. This was followed by an explanation of history and current developments in space studies within Turkey. Aslan also emphasized the relationship between space technologies and national security and explained the importance of the space technologies race and cooperation in the world. The webinar concluded with the participants asking and answering questions in accordance with the principle of increasing shared knowledge.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 05/15/2021
Yigit Akkus, associate professor of mechanical engineering, ASELSAN AS, addresses participants during the May webinar. In May, the chapter organized a webinar on "The Future of Electronic Cooling: Nano-Scale Passive Heat Dissipaters."

During the webinar, Yigit Akkus, associate professor of mechanical engineering, ASELSAN AS, presented the latest developments in manufacturing techniques, the production of capillary channels in nano and ångström scales and the production of nanoscale heat dissipaters. Akkus also discussed the importance of molecular/atomic-level simulation studies developed to investigate the advantages of using nanoscale passive heat dissipaters in electronic cooling, especially for chip-level cooling.

Chapter members listened with pleasure to this technology conversation, which many industry stakeholders and doyens attended as well as university students. The chapter thanked Akkus for his presentation and ASELSAN AS management for its support.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 05/01/2021
May's webinar focused on the determination of requirements and the prioritization procedures in the Turkish Armed Forces. The participants also examined the effects of long-term procurement programs, supply procedures, and the urgent needs for development of the defense industry. Presenters emphasized the role of alliances in the requirement determination and development of defense systems and the importance of interaction with defense industry companies during the requirement assessment phase. Many stakeholders and doyens of the sector as well as young university students participated in this lengthy and informative webinar.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 04/03/2021
In April, the chapter organized a webinar on 5G Technology & Applications in Vertical Sectors. In the webinar, participants discussed general information about civil mobile communication technologies and the place of 5G among mobile communication technologies and its differences from other technologies. In addition, attendees explained new ways of doing business and capabilities that will come into our lives with 5G. Presenters also provided information about the progress of 5G installations in the country and in the world, activities of the manufacturers and the current situation as well as current studies and future predictions regarding the use of 5G in the military field.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 03/27/2021
In March, Capt. Kamil Zafer Selcuk, TUN (Ret.), chapter president, addresses the audience during the General Assembly Meeting. In March, the chapter held an Annual General Assembly meeting at the ASELSAN AS premises. ASELSAN AS is a prime corporate member of the chapter located in Ankara. The Chapter Annual Report of 2020 was presented to the participants and the chapter officers were selected. Also, the chapter approved a budget for 2021 during the meeting. A certificate of appreciation was presented to Capt. Zafer Betoner, TUN (Ret), founder of the Turkish Defense Industry News Group, for his cooperation with the chapter.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 03/20/2021
In March, the chapter organized a webinar on "STINGER Project, Achievements and Lessons Learned." Brig. Gen. Cemal Alagoz (Ret.), who worked in weapons, ammunitions and rocket projects during his working life, presented the advantages and benefits of the consortiums. He also explained the acquisition processes of facilities such as ROKETSAN and ASELSAN MGEO, which are among the leading organizations of the defense industry today, within the scope of the STINGER project. In addition, he discussed the issues experienced during the preparation and execution of international contracts. The chapter is pleased that young members, as well as doyens experienced in the defense industry, showed interest in the interview.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 03/06/2021
In March, Capt. Oguz Tanir, TUN (Ret.), the chapter's guest speaker, explained that designing and building military ships and/or surface crafts in accordance with a technical specification is an issue that must be managed precisely and carefully and has a significant impact on the efficiency of defense systems. He also emphasized that choosing the most suitable design among many alternatives and making sure the design process will fully meet the operational needs is a multi-criteria decision-making problem. Finally, the guest speaker laid out the most appropriate design in the defense industry as well as research and development activities for the systems needed in the design process.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 02/20/2021
At the February conference presented by Col. Ercan Ertureten (Ret.), one of the Turkish defense industry doyen, opinions were expressed on how the defense industry could be more effective. Also, ideas were shared on what both procurement authorities and main contractors should do to utilize the lessons learned from the past. The chapter is pleased to see young engineers and university students participating in the conference together with elder doyens of the Turkish defense industry.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 02/13/2021
The chapter held a virtual general assembly meeting to inform the members about activities of 2020, since regular general assembly meetings were banned due to the epidemic. At the meeting, the 2020 activity and budget reports and the audit board report were presented to the members. In addition, members were given information about the regulation of written general assembly decisions. In the last part of the meeting, members received details about the efficient execution of chapter activities.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 02/09/2021
(From l-r) Zekeriyya Sahin, director, SST Electronics and Software Design, ASELSAN; Erdinc Oguz; Kamil Zafer Selcuk, chapter president; Behcet Karatas, deputy general manager, ASELSAN, and sector president, DST; Serhat Hilmi Bizimtuna; and Seyfettin Sunger met in February at the offices of corporate member ASELSAN. In February, chapter officers visited Behcet Karatas, deputy general manager, ASELSAN, and sector president, DST. Zekeriyya Sahin, director, SST Electronics and Software Design, ASELSAN, also attended the meeting. The attendees discussed indigenous designs and developments of corporate member ASELSAN, especially in naval systems, and the success of contracts abroad. Also, officers provided AFCEA corporate news information to corporate members and discussed how to utilize and maximize corporate news benefits.

ASELSAN is the leading defense electronics company in Turkiye's defense industry and is listead as one of the top 50 defense companies in the world.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 02/06/2021
At the February conference, Maj. Musa Yildirim (Ret.), author of the book "Science Touching Life - The Deep Meaning of Mathematics," talked about the meaning and the scope of mathematics education and its place in the community. Participants also discussed how to improve mathematics education. The chapter was pleased that young people, as well as doyen teachers, showed an interest in this conference.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 01/23/2021
In January, the Chapter held a video conference on Defense Industry Insights. During the conference, participants explained and evaluated the history and historical effects of the defense industry; technologies and the milestones of the Turkish Defense Industry history; and the problems faced by the defense industry today. The chapter is pleased that its young members, as well as the doyens who have served in the sector, showed interest in the conference.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 01/12/2021
(From l-r) Serhat Bizimtuna, chapter secretary; Capt. Kamil Zafer Selcuk, TUN (Ret.), chapter president; Yalcin Onyuru, founder and CEO of TARGET AS, Capt. Zafer Betoner, TUN (Ret.), chapter vice president, meet in January. Chapter officers visited the corporate member TARGET AS. Yalcin Onyuru, founder and CEO, stated that on the 45th anniversary of the company, he donated 45 percent of the company shares to the young employees he trained. TARGET has been a corporate member for 30 years almost from the establishment of the chapter. TARGET has been one of the pioneers in the Turkish defense industry, since 1975 and over the course of time, they have grown their business to include 40 local and foreign companies, providing a wide range of solutions with the latest products and technologies, along with offering reliable services.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 01/04/2021
Rear Adm. Ergun Mengi (Ret.), addresses participants in the video conference in January. In the video conference presented by Rear Adm. Ergun Mengi (Ret.), the economic and strategic importance of the seas was emphasized first. Historical developments in the Turkish maritime, especially the breakthroughs in the Ataturk period, were explained. In addition, recommendations were made regarding what needs to be done to become a maritime nation.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 12/12/2020
In December, webinar participants discuss effects of COVID-19 on the defense sector. During the December virtual event, Arda Mevlutoglu introduced the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic over the global and local defense sectors. He also discussed expectations in near, medium and long-term effects of the epidemic on the sector. In addition to the threats posed by the pandemic in the sector, the group discussed opportunities.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 11/29/2020
In November, members gather via video conference to celebrate the chapter's 31st anniversary. In November, the chapter organized a virtual meeting with the participation of members for the 31st anniversary of the establishment of the chapter. Former chapter presidents Ismet Bora Buyukoner and Yalcin Onyuru addressed the participants. Also Professor Emeritus Tuncer Oren shared his memories and visions. Participation of the young members in the meeting has been promising for our future.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 11/25/2020
In November, HAVELSAN General Manager Mehmet Akif Nacar (c) presents an aircraft simulator mock-up to Chapter President Capt. Kamil Zafer Selcuk, TUN (Ret.) (r), and Chapter Vice President Capt. Zafer Betoner, TUN (Ret.).
In November, chapter members visited HAVELSAN General Manager Mehmet Akif Nacar. During the meeting, the participants provided general information about AFCEA as an organization, member benefits and events.

HAVELSAN A.S. is one of the leading institutions of the Turkish defense industry in information technologies and simulators. Considered one of Turkey's largest technology companies, HAVELSAN is a leading brand in the international market with its experience, expert employees, advanced software-intensive solutions and products.

HAVELSAN offers turnkey solutions to its customers by bringing together the products of companies that produce technology in the defense, security, informatics sectors and business ecosystem.

HAVELSAN's core competencies are in software-intensive systems, including command, control and defense technologies; education and simulation technologies; information and communication technologies; homeland security and cybersecurity solutions.READ MORE

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 05/16/2020
In May, video conference participants engage in discussion about secure software development. In May, up-to-date issues about secure software development were explained to video conference participants by Ali Isikli, a senior leader engineer of our corporate member ASELSAN AS.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 04/19/2020
The chapter wins the April membership incentive challenge by being the first to return the correct word search. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is looking for a little relief and even a bit of fun. In April, chapters were challenged with an AFCEA word search. The first chapter to scan and email a correctly completed sheet back to Sean McGowan, director of member and chapter Services, would receive five free individual memberships to give away to junior enlisted military or Young AFCEANs. The winner of the incentive-based challenge was Turkiye! "I am so happy to hear that [we won]," said Murat Dogen, chapter representative for the Young AFCEANs. "This really made my day. Although it is not for my benefit, it was very fun to solve the puzzle and feel like I was in a race against time. The board members of the Turkiye Chapter will take the necessary action to add five more members into the AFCEA community. Thanks again for giving us this opportunity."

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 03/02/2020
Kamil Zafer Selcuk, chapter president (far l), and Zafer Betoner, chapter vice president (far r), present the visiting plaque to Neset Ertas, Command Control and Information Systems Projects Group Manager, as a token of appreciation during their March visit. Chapter board members visited the head of Communications, Electronics and Information Systems Department (CEIS) in his office at Presidency of Defense Industries headquarters in March. During this visit, board members presented information about AFCEA International and the association's contributions to the government, armed forces and defense industry. AFCEA publications related to the Command Control and Information Systems were also discussed. During the visit, members talked about the ongoing activities of the chapter and summarized possible cooperation between the CEIS department to organize meetings or seminars.

TURKIYE CHAPTER - 02/27/2020
Chapter President Kamil Zafer Selcuk (r) presents certificate of appreciation to guest speaker Kadir Murat Bicer, cybersecurity manager, STM, at the February meeting. At the February meeting, participants were provided with general information on artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity, as well as current developments and applications in AI and cybersecurity domains with use of AI in cybersecurity issues. Kadir Murat Bicer, cybersecurity manager of STM AS, presented discussion points on the future of cybersecurity technology and STM's applications in this field.

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